
Accessibility Statement
SOLAS is committed to ensuring that this website is accessible to everyone. We are continually striving to improve the experience for all visitors.

Listen to this Website using BrowseAloud
We are pleased to introduce a free service that speech enables our website for those with reading difficulties. It offers a practical website access service to people who find it easier to listen to, rather than read the content of our website. We have teamed up with Texthelp Systems to provide their Browsealoud service which gives our visitors the chance to listen to our web content.

Technical Standards

We have tried to ensure that our site meets the following technical standards

Accessibility: We aim to maintain every page of our site at WAI AAA compliance level.

Code: The site is produced using W3C XHTML 1.0 for code clarity.

Formatting: In line with W3C recommendations, all formatting is in a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file. Users may choose to disable this file and see a "plain text" version of the site if they prefer.

The website has also been designed to be compatible with most browsers. Older browser versions which lack CSS compatibility can still access the site although the content may display without its graphical layout.​

This website has been designed to be accessible to all visitors, regardless of disability. The site has been developed to conform to the Web Accessibility Initiative (W.A.I.) Priority 3 standards.

The site may be viewed in any browser or Internet device. However it is best viewed in one that complies with web standards created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Visit the W3C website.​

To help you get the most out of this browsing this site, please read the following:

Website Content

Some pages on this website by necessity contain Adobe Pdf and Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint content.

For information about Pdf accessibility, visit the the Adobe website - Pdf accessibility section.

For information about Word, Excel and Powerpoint accessibility, visit the Microsoft website - accessibility section.

Page Layout

The main sections of the site are listed across the top of all pages. These main sections are:







Resizeable Text

All text on this site is resizable; it can be made larger or smaller according to your preferences by changing the text size setting within your browser.

Please note: After using the 'Skip Navigation' link, users of speech browsers may have to click their 'Back' button twice, to return to a previous page.

SOLAS' Access Officer

Please email our Access Officer at if you have comments or a complaint about the accessibility of this website.