Adult Literacy for Life – a 10-year adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy strategy was launched by Minister Simon Harris TD on 8th September 2021. The Strategy aims to ensure where every adult has the necessary literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to fully engage in society and realise their potential. You can download the Strategy below. Find out more at

The Strategy makes a number of commitments including:

  • Increasing in the number of learners engaging with literacy and language support by 20,000 by expanding the range of courses available over the first half of the strategy’s lifetime;

  • Reduce the number of people adults in Ireland with unmet literacy needs, from 18% to 7%.

  • Reduce the number of adults in Ireland with unmet numeracy needs from 25% to 12%;

  • Reduce the share of adults in Ireland without basic digital skills from 47% to 20%.

SOLAS would like to thank all those who contributed to the development of the Strategy during the consultation process which included:

123 organisations making submissions

450 individuals making submissions

40 key organisations met

1100 surveyed for their views

400 joining outreach, one to one interviews or focus groups.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at