The Adult Literacy for Life Strategy
Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) is a 10-year national plan. The aim is to:
help all adults develop their reading, writing, maths, and digital skills, so they can fully take part in society;
ensure services are easy to use for people who may need help with literacy.
The plan involves us working together across government, businesses, and the wider community. This work is important because it helps people get the skills, they need for their personal lives, for day to day tasks and for work. It also helps services be more welcoming and easier to use for adults who may need extra support.
SOLAS developed the plan and set up a national office to implement it. Regional literacy coordinators are leading this work in 16 regions across Ireland. They are helping local groups work together to support the plan. They have brought together regional coalitions, with a broad mix of people and local groups. The coalitions are sharing expertise and coming up with plans at local level.
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To read the Strategy click adult-literacy-for-life-strategy.pdf