Alternative Safepass Renewal
What is the Alternative Safepass renewal
The new Safepass renewal test is designed to allow those who have previously completed the classroom-based programme, to renew their Safepass card by completing a computer-based test in an approved Pearson VUE test centre.
For more information, and to create your online SOLAS account for the Safepass Renewal please visit Safe Pass Information - My SafePass (
Cost and Duration
The exam costs €93.84 which includes the fee for the Safepass card.
A total of 45 minutes is allotted to complete the exam. The exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions, and you must answer 45 questions correctly to pass the exam.
Revise for your Alternative Safepass Renewal
Useful Links and Guides for Alternative Safepass Renewal
How to Register and login to your account
How to Reschedule and Cancel your Test
What to expect when testing at a Pearson Vue test centre
For a tutorial and to see what your live test will look like, please see sample test.
If you have any issues or queries around booking a test visit here or you can contact PearsonVue directly on the number or email address below.
Telephone:– Ireland (freephone) : 1-800-800739 or
For employers that wish to purchase vouchers for their employees please visit the PearsonVue Voucher Store or go to and click on Vouchers.
If you have any queries relating to the purchase of vouchers
If you have any issues registering for your SOLAS online account
Safepass is a mandatory one-day health and safety awareness programme.
The aim of the programme is to raise the standard of safety awareness in the construction industry and to ensure that, over time, all site personnel undergo basic health and safety awareness training to enable them to work onsite without being a risk to themselves or others who might be affected by their acts or omissions. Candidates who successfully complete the programme will receive a Safepass Registration Card.
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013, all construction workers in Ireland - including apprentices and trainees - are legally bound to hold a valid Safepass Registration Card.
Read more on Safepass Legislation here.
The Safepass Programme is delivered by SOLAS Approved Training Organisations and tutors. For a full list of Approved Training Organisations and further information on the programme content and fees, see Course Information:
Replacement Card
If your Safepass Registration Card has been lost, stolen or damaged you can apply for a replacement which costs €32. Safepass cards must be in date in order to be replaced. Replaced cards will have the same expiry date as lost/stolen/damaged cards.
Please complete the Online Replacement Card Form, attach a current passport-quality photograph and complete the online payment. Please remember to use a high-quality photo. Applications may be rejected if your photo is low quality.
Replacement cards are generally issued within two to three weeks of receipt of your fully completed replacement form and correct payment.
There's a step-by-step instructional video below on how to apply for a replacement card.
Más mian leat an t-iarratas a chomhlánú i nGaeilge, seol ríomhphost chuig
Recognition of Equivalent Safety Schemes
Schedule 4 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 provides for the recognition of equivalent safety awareness schemes approved by SOLAS.
The Construction Skills Register (CSR Northern Ireland) one day health and safety course is the only course recognised by SOLAS as an equivalent to the SOLAS Safepass course. Any person wishing to avail of this recognition must be in possession of a current CSR Health and Safety card.
Data Protection
Information provided by you or others (such as your Approved Training Provider) will be processed by SOLAS for the purpose of assessing, providing and administrating the Safepass Scheme. For further details please see the
Data Protection Notice