Creating Pathways

Updates July 2024 Steering Group meeting

The ability to build skills that are relevant to the economy, and to offer inclusive provision that supports citizenship and sustains communities, are two core attributes of FET, and a strong vision for their further development over the next five years has been set out. Too often these attributes have been viewed as relating to separate parts of the system, with different FET services focused on one or the other, delivering on different national policy objectives. However, if a central goal for FET is sustainable job creation, this can only be secured by a seamless service where learners are equipped with all of the knowledge, support, and the core and technical skills that will allow them to lead fulfilled lives, continually learn, self-develop, and build successful careers. FET offers great opportunities for learners of all backgrounds and abilities, but a complex programme structure and lack of clarity about how its offerings link together to help a person progress can make it seem quite inaccessible to those considering it as an option. FET must be simplified by offering clear pathways into FET, within FET and from FET, encouraging and facilitating ongoing engagement at all stages of people’s lives and careers.

The Facilitating Pathways Implementation Advisory Group will bring all key stakeholders around the table with a role in driving strategy delivery within this pillar to focus on implementation of the Facilitating Pathways action plan.​

Creating Pathways Workstream: