New Upskilling Programmes - Green Skills

Skills to Advance programmes offer upskilling and reskilling opportunities which support businesses to develop their workforce.

Employers and employees can find out more on current programmes below.

Contact your local ETB to find out more

Green skills programmes

The Skills to Advance green skills range of micro-qualifications aims to boost awareness of the key environmental sustainability issues that affect employers and employees and to equip them with the skills to make a positive contribution to sustainability in the workplace. A range of green skills micro-qualifications have been developed in the following areas:

·Environmental Sustainability in the Workplace
·Lean Practice for Sustainable Business
·Resource Efficiency for a Sustainable Workplace
·The Circular Economy
·Sustainable Supply Chain Procurement

These new micro-qualifications are available from Education and Training Boards (ETBs) around the country.

Click on the following to find out more about the micro-qualifications.

Environmental Sustainability in the Workplace

Lean Practice for Sustainable Business

Resource Efficiency for a Sustainable Workplace

The Circular Economy in the Workplace

Sustainable Supply Chain Procurement

Employer benefits
·Develop new skills in your team
·Green your business for cost savings, competitiveness and profitability
·Reduce your carbon footprint
·Highly subsidised flexible training

Employee benefits
·Develop green skills for your career
·Future-proof your job
·Reduce your carbon footprint
·Highly subsidised flexible training 

Targeted employees
Employees across all roles, particularly those who are interested in or have responsibility for addressing sustainable practices, carbon footprint or climate change issues in the workplace.  

Programme development
The programmes are being developed by SOLAS and the Education and Training Boards (ETBs), in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), Irish Water, IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and Regional Skills Fora.

Programmes are accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and awards are available at Level 5 and 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Training is provided by ETBs in your region and will consist of short programmes, delivered in a blended learning format with tutor support and online digital resources, to enhance the learning experience. Delivery is flexible to suit both employer and employee needs. The programme will involve approximately 25 hours contact time with a tutor.

Contact the Skills to Advance representative in your local ETB to find out more.

Hospitality and Tourism

Programme Objective
The Developing Leaders for Hospitality and Tourism programme aims to equip employees in the hospitality and tourism sector with enhanced skills to lead and manage their teams effectively.

Employee benefits
·Enhance skillset
·Lead teams effectively
·Manage and motivate teams
·Enhance digital skills
·Optimize career prospects.

Eligible employees
Employees who perform/would like to perform a team lead or supervisory management role.

Programme modules
·Operational Skills
·Customer Care
·People Management
·Finance and Controls
·Green / Sustainability
·Strategic Planning
·Health and Safety
·Promotion and Sales
·Digital Skills.

Find out more in our Hospitality and Tourism programme brochure

Contact your local ETB to find out more.

Programme Development
The programme is a result of a collaboration between SOLAS, the Education and Training Boards (ETB's), the Irish Hotels Federation (IHF), Failte Ireland and the Regional Skills Fora.

Employer benefits
·Equip staff to lead teams effectively
·Increase staff motivation and retention
·Customised content to address skills gaps
·Highly subsidised training provided

Programmes are accredited by City & Guilds or QQI and provide clear pathways for employees to develop future careers in hospitality and tourism. Qualifications are available at Levels 5 and 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Training is provided by local ETBs in your region, online with tutor support or when feasible, a blend of online and in-person training. Delivery is flexible to suit both business and employee needs. The Level 5 programme can be completed in 3 months and the Level 6 in 4-8 months.

Leadership and Management

Programme Objective
To upskill supervisory staff, which will help employers deal with the current business environment, its challenges and opportunities.

Employee benefits
· Lead teams effectively
· Manage and motivate teams
· Manage change

Eligible employees
Employees who are currently performing a team leader role or new to a supervisory role.

Programme modules
· Motivating workers
· Managing change
· Effective decision-making
· Writing for business
· Problem-solving
· Managing remote workers
Optional modules:
· Digital skills
· Lean principles
· Stress management

The diploma covers the modules in the certificate as well as extra modules such as leadership skills, performance management and project management.

Find out more in our Leadership and Management programme brochure.

Programme Development
Developed by SOLAS and the Education and Training Boards (ETBs), in collaboration with IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and the Regional Skills Fora.

Employer benefits
· Upskill staff to manage change
· Equip staff to lead teams
· Close skills gaps

Employers can receive a subsidy of up to 70% of the course fee. The subsidy depends on various factors relating to the company. There is no cost to the employee.

A Certificate and a Diploma in Leadership and Management are available. Both are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and  Management (ILM).  

The programme is delivered by an Education and Training Board (ETB) in your region. It is online with tutor support or a blend of online and in-person training. Delivery is flexible to suit employer needs. The certificate can be completed in 3-4 months and the diploma in 9-12 months.

Contact your local ETB to find out more.