By working closely with FET partners and employers nationally, SOLAS’ two dedicated research teams, Data Analytics and Skills & Labour Market Research, seek, not just to respond to, but to anticipate the future training needs of business and industries across Ireland.
The Skills & Labour Market Research Unit (SLMRU) publishes research and reports on the further and higher education sector as well as other related sectors.
The Data Analytics Unit support SOLAS and Education and Training Boards nationally to make evidence-based decisions which can inform change and ensure that planning and provision of Further Education and Training is economic, efficient and effective.
The Strategy & Evaluation Unit provides the internal SOLAS hub for coordinating the implementation of the Further Education and Training Strategy 2020-2024 and conducts systematic reviews of full time FET provision as well as a programme of research into FET related activity.
The Transformational Project Management Office (TPMO) manages the ReferNet project which is a European wide network of expertise on vocational education and training overseen by CEDEFOP.
Skills & Labour Market Research