Annual statistical reports carried out by the Data Analytics Unit give insight into the diversity of FET learners and their journey through education and training, supports the assessment of learners’ outcomes and measures the impact of FET programmes in relation to future progression and employment.

FET in Numbers 2022 
Lifelong Learning

FET in Numbers 2022 Lifelong Learning

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Lifelong Learning within SOLAS funded programmes in 2022.

FET System Outcomes Report 2018-2022

FET System Outcomes Report 2018-2022

A brief overview of the Further Education and Training system outcomes supported by SOLAS for the period of 2018-2022.

Key Insights into Socio-Economic Background of FET Learners 2019

Key Insights into Socio-Economic Background of FET Learners 2019

This report uses information from the Programme and Learner Support System (PLSS) that is linked with the POBAL HP Deprivation index to offer insights about the socio-economic background of the FET learners. The Pobal HP Deprivation index is Ireland’s most widely used social gradient metric, which scores each small area (circa 100 households) in terms of affluence or disadvantage, using information from Ireland’s census, such as employment, age profile and educational attainment, to calculate this score.

This is FET 
Learners with Disabilities 2022

This is FET Learners with Disabilities 2022

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Learners with Disabilities' engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2022.

This is FET Roma Community 2022.

This is FET Roma Community 2022.

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Roma Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2022.

This is FET Traveller Community 2022.

This is FET Traveller Community 2022.

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Traveller Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2022.

FET Facts and Figures 2022 Report

FET Facts and Figures 2022 Report

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview, in facts and figures, of SOLAS funded programmes in 2022.

This is FET 
Learners with Disabilities 2021

This is FET Learners with Disabilities 2021

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Learners with Disabilities' engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2021.

This is FET Traveller Community 2021

This is FET Traveller Community 2021

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Traveller Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2021.

This is FET Roma Community 2021

This is FET Roma Community 2021

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Roma Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2021.

This is FET Lifelong Learning 2021

This is FET Lifelong Learning 2021

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Lifelong Learning within SOLAS funded programmes in 2021.

FET Facts and Figures 2021 Report

FET Facts and Figures 2021 Report

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview, in facts and figures, of SOLAS funded programmes in 2021.

FET in Focus - Community Education Report

FET in Focus - Community Education Report

A study into Community Education in Ireland that provides information on the profiles of Community Education learners in FET.

Healthcare Learners Outcomes Report

Healthcare Learners Outcomes Report

This report provides data-driven evidence that illustrates the value of Further Education and Training to the learners who would like to work in the healthcare sector. Our study is focused on those learners who qualify to become frontline healthcare workers.

The FET sector has been training learners and supporting the healthcare sector by providing courses at levels 5 and 6, allowing learners to work in health and social care settings. This research has several interesting and valuable findings: learners who engaged in health-related FET courses have improved employment and progression prospects following FET completion. Secondly, there is a significant decrease in the reliance on welfare support among this cohort after graduation when compared to pre-enrolment economic status.

Early Leavers Outcomes Report

Early Leavers Outcomes Report

This report on early leavers in Further Education and Training uses the Programme and Learner Support System (PLSS) database and the Educational Longitudinal Database (ELD) to examine early leaver learner outcomes for those learners who were enrolled and exited their courses in 2017. Educational transitions of early leavers within FET are explored, as are early leaver outcomes, including substantial employment, in the subsequent 2018 calendar year.

Non-Irish Nationals in FET

Non-Irish Nationals in FET

The Non-Irish Nationals in FET report is a study into Further Education and Training based on Non-Irish Nationals in the Further Education and Training sector in 2020.  The report provides information regarding the profiles and statistics of non-Irish nationals in FET.

This is FET Facts and Figures 2020

This is FET Facts and Figures 2020

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview, in facts and figures, of SOLAS funded programmes in 2020.

FET in Numbers 2020  Traveller Community

FET in Numbers 2020 Traveller Community

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Traveller Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2020.

FET in Numbers 2020 Roma Community

FET in Numbers 2020 Roma Community

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Roma Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2020.

FET in Numbers 2020 Lifelong Learning

FET in Numbers 2020 Lifelong Learning

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Lifelong Learning within SOLAS funded programmes in 2020.

FET in Numbers 2020
Learners with Disabilities

FET in Numbers 2020 Learners with Disabilities

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Learners with Disabilities' engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2020.

Women in FET Research Report

Women in FET Research Report

Women in FET. A study into Further Education and Training in Ireland based on female participants in Further Education and Training in Ireland 2019.

FET in numbers 2019
Lifelong Learning

FET in numbers 2019 Lifelong Learning

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Lifelong Learning within SOLAS funded programmes in 2019.

FET in numbers 2019
Roma Community

FET in numbers 2019 Roma Community

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Roma Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2019.

FET in numbers 2019
Traveller Community

FET in numbers 2019 Traveller Community

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Traveller Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2019

FET in numbers 2019
Learners with Disabilities

FET in numbers 2019 Learners with Disabilities

The FET sector plays an important role in providing full and equal participation of persons with disabilities and promotes the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of education and training. This report highlights the achievements and diversity of our learners with a disability and the role of the ETBs in supporting them in their needs for education and training.

FET Facts and Figures 2019 Report

FET Facts and Figures 2019 Report

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview, in facts and figures, of SOLAS funded programmes in 2019.

FET Outcomes PLC Infographic

FET Outcomes PLC Infographic

This report captures data on PLC graduates from 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015, linking each learner with the Educational Longitudinal Database to determine their destination after they have graduated from Further Education and Training.

FET Outcomes PLC Report

FET Outcomes PLC Report

FET Learner Outcomes

Post -Leaving Certificate (PLC)

FET Facts and Figures 2018 Report

FET Facts and Figures 2018 Report

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview, in facts and figures, of SOLAS funded programmes in 2018.

FET Facts and Figures 2018 Infographic

FET Facts and Figures 2018 Infographic

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview, in facts and figures, of SOLAS funded programmes in 2018.

FET in Numbers 2018 Traveller Community

FET in Numbers 2018 Traveller Community

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Traveller Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2018.

FET in Numbers 2018 Roma Community

FET in Numbers 2018 Roma Community

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Roma Community engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2018.

FET in Numbers 2018 Lifelong Learning

FET in Numbers 2018 Lifelong Learning

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Lifelong Learning within SOLAS funded programmes in 2018.

FET in Numbers 2018 Learners with Disabilities

FET in Numbers 2018 Learners with Disabilities

Compiled from Programme and Learner Support Systems (PLSS) data, this report provides an overview of Learners with Disabilities' engagement with SOLAS funded programmes in 2018.

FET in Numbers 2018 eCollege Learners

FET in Numbers 2018 eCollege Learners

A Report by the Data Analytics Unit in SOLAS February 2020, FET in Numbers 2018, eCollege Learners provides an overview of eCollege Learners engagement with the programme.
