SOLAS is the state agency responsible for Further Education and Training (FET) in Ireland.
Working closely with Regional Skills managers and our partners in Education and Training Boards nationally, SOLAS manages a range of Further Education and Training programmes which enable learners to succeed in the labour market and thrive in society. Programmes include Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Skills to Advance, eCollege and the European Globalisation Fund.
SOLAS also manages the Safe Pass Health and Safety Awareness Training Programme, the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) and the Quarrying Skills Certification Scheme (QSCS). Current courses can be found at
We manage the National Skills Database and provide research, data and analysis for the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, and to inform our work.
SOLAS is the designated Intermediate Body for the European Social Fund Programme for Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) 2021-2027. Eligible further education and training programmes are co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund (ESF+). Co-funded programmes include ETB Training programmes, Adult Literacy programmes and Youthreach.
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Our Mission
Our mission is to drive the responsiveness, innovation, transformation, sustainability and success of the Further Education and Training (FET) and apprenticeship systems. We do this by setting strategy, channelling investment, leading implementation, and ensuring accountability across FET providers, with an overriding focus on the needs of their learners and apprentices.
Our Vision
Our vision is to power the potential of individuals, communities and enterprise through lifelong learning and workforce transformation.
Core Principles
We ensure that there is robust intelligence to inform the planning, funding and design of new and existing FET provision.
Focused on excellence
We maintain a central focus on standards and quality in FET, including excellence in programme development and the on-going professional development of the FET workforce.
Responsible and Flexible
We promote innovation and the funding of provision that meets identified needs.
We focus on adding value by fostering collaboration across the FET sector, sharing learning and empowering delivery organisations.
Outward-looking and Learning-centred
We are open to new ideas, proactive in seeking out evidence of 'what works' in FET. We ensure that the learner experience is at the centre of decision-making.